Grupo Vessel



We are currently leaders in the market of containers transportation. We also offer feeder service in the Río de La Plata,

Paraná River and Paraguay River servicing the import and export traffic both waterway and seaway.


Our extent includes the ports of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Montevideo (Uruguay), Río Grande do Sul (Brazil), Asunción (Paraguay), and Jennifer and

Aguirre (Bolivia), where the load is transferred to and from the oceanic ships of the main maritime companies of the world.


VESSEL was created as a solution to those ships that, either because of their size or their nature, are not able to operate in the ports of the different commercial areas offered by our littoral maritime, from the Río de La Plata and the Paraná River, in Argentina, to the Paraguay River, in Paraguay.


Such was our continuous growth that by 2000 we were already leaders in the ports of Zárate, Rosario and Las Palmas.


Safety-wise, our ships are certified under the International Safety Management Code of the International Maritime Organization.


The service is offered by nine container ships which operate in the following routes:


Buenos Aires/Montevideo - Asunción and vice versa: Two services per week.


Buenos Aires/Montevideo – Río Grande do Sul and vice versa: One service per week.


Puerto Jennifer and Aguirre – Asunción - Buenos Aires/Montevideo and vice versa: One service per week


Zárate – Las Palmas – Montevideo and vice versa: Two services per week.


We also coordinate and transport vehicles and project cargoes.





Year of construction: 2003


Total Nominal Teus: 274

Plugs: 100


Year of construction: 1999


Total Nominal Teus: 184

Plugs: 44


Year of construction: 2005


Total Nominal Teus: 300

Plugs: 100


Year of construction: 1999


Total Nominal Teus: 140

 Plugs: 24


Year of construction: 2008


Total Nominal Teus: 254

Plugs: 25


Year of construction: 1999


 Total Nominal Teus: 184

 Plugs: 44

 ALTA 1601

Year of construction: 2010


 Total Nominal Teus: 192

 Plugs: 25

 TOLVA 1510

Year of construction: 2010


 Total Nominal Teus: 128



Year of construction: 2000


 Total Nominal Teus: 654

 Plugs: 180


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo 1050

1ª Piso  Of. "226/277", (1107) - CABA

T.: (+5411) 5263-9633

Asunción, Paraguay

Humaintá 145  c/ Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción.

Edificio Planeta - Piso 12

T:  (+595 21)  445 571

Fax:  (+595 21)  497 068


© Servicios maritimos, 2018. All rights reserved.


Rambla 25 de Agosto de 1825 Nº.318

Piso 3 Of.301

T: 00 598 2915 3262

Fax: 00 598 2915 3262 - int. 29